TUC3PII-01_TU2670 Phase IIa Clinical Study

Название протокола
Клинические исследование Endometriosis: Placebo Comparator: Placebo, Active Comparator: TU2670 320mg, Active Comparator: TU2670 240mg, Active Comparator: TU2670 120mg - Реестр клинических исследований
Дата начала и окончания КИ
2022-02-06 - 2022-02-06

Ведущий спонсор: TiumBio Co., Ltd.

Источник TiumBio Co., Ltd.
Краткое содержание

This Protocol for TU2670 is to investigate the efficacy, safety, pharmacokinetics (PK), and pharmacodynamics (PD) of multiple doses of TU2670 in subjects with moderate to severe endometriosis-associated pain.

Подробное описание

Treatment Groups and Duration: Following a washout period of up to 12 weeks, subjects will enter a screening period of up to 12 weeks including an observation period consisting of a complete menstrual cycle. Subjects will be randomly assigned in a 1:1:1:1 ratio to receive either 12 weeks of TU2670 320 mg QD, TU2670 240 mg QD, TU2670 120 mg QD, or matching placebo. TU2670 or a matching placebo will be administered in the clinic on Day 1. Subjects in the PK subset population will also receive the following additional doses in the clinic: Day 2 (after collection of the 24-hour PK sample); the dose on the day scheduled for subsequent serial PK sample collection (Week 4 or Week 5); and the next scheduled dose (after collection of the 24-hour PK sample). All other doses can be taken by the subject at home. Following the end of treatment, subjects will be followed up for safety for 12 weeks. Statistical Methods: All formal statistical tests will be done at the 5% 2-sided significance level. Point estimates will have 2 sided 95% confidence intervals (CIs) where applicable. Where appropriate, variables will be summarized descriptively (frequency and percent will be summarized for categorical variables; n (number of available subjects), mean, standard deviation [SD], median, minimum, and maximum will be presented for continuous variables) by study visit and by treatment group. Statistical summaries will be presented for the changes from baseline to each time point in efficacy endpoints that it is applicable.

Общий статус Recruiting
Дата начала 2021-08-19
Дата завершения 2023-12-31
Дата первичного завершения 2023-09-30
Фаза Phase 2
Тип исследования Interventional
Первичный результат
Мера Временное ограничение
overall pelvic pain 12 weeks
Вторичный результат
Мера Временное ограничение
mean Numeric Rating Scale pain score 12 weeks
mean overall pelvic pain Numeric Rating Scale pain score 12 weeks
mean Numeric Rating Scale dyspareunia score 12 weeks
rescue medication 12 weeks
Time to increase of dose of rescue medication 12 weeks
Time to decrease of dose of rescue medication 12 weeks
Modified Biberoglu and Behrman sign and symptom scores 12 weeks
Patient Global Impression of Change 12 weeks
Endometriosis Health Profile-5 12 weeks
36-Item Short Form Health Survey 12 weeks
Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire: General Health 12 weeks
Регистрация 80
  • Endometriosis

Тип вмешательства: Drug

Название вмешательства: Placebo Comparator: Placebo

Описание: 4 x placebo capsules, QD

Этикетка Arm Group: Placebo

Тип вмешательства: Drug

Название вмешательства: Active Comparator: TU2670 320mg

Описание: 320mg (80mg x 4), QD

Этикетка Arm Group: TU2670 High Dose

Тип вмешательства: Drug

Название вмешательства: Active Comparator: TU2670 240mg

Описание: 240mg (80mg x 3 + placebo x 1), QD

Этикетка Arm Group: TU2670 Medium Dose

Тип вмешательства: Drug

Название вмешательства: Active Comparator: TU2670 120mg

Описание: 120mg (80mg x 1 + 20mg x 2 + placebo x 1), QD

Этикетка Arm Group: TU2670 Low Dose



Inclusion Criteria: - Independent Ethics Committee (IEC)-approved written informed consent/assent and privacy language as per national regulations must be voluntarily obtained from the subject. - Premenopausal female subject, 18 to 45 years, inclusive - Subject has moderate to severe endometriosis-related pain Exclusion Criteria: - Subject has used hormonal contraceptives or other drugs with effects on gynecological endocrinology within 12 weeks - Subject has been nonresponsive to GnRH-agonist or antagonist therapy for the management of endometriosis.



Минимальный возраст:

18 Years

Максимальный возраст:

45 Years

Здоровые волонтеры:


Общий контакт

Фамилия: Tium Bio

Телефон: +82-31-600-1500

Объект: Положение дел: Контакт:
University Hospital Hradec Kralove | Hradec Králové, Hradec Kralove, 50005, Czechia Recruiting Jan Mls +420728489859 
Kestr-gyn s.r.o., Gynekologicka ambulance | Náchod, Nachod, 54701, Czechia Recruiting Jan Kestranek Site Address +420491421883 
OB/GYN | Praha, Praha 1, 11000, Czechia Recruiting Viktor Kacer +42222245565
Vseobecna fakultni nemocnice v Praze, Dept. of Gynekologicko- porodnickaklinika 1.LF UK | Praha, Praha 2, 128 08, Czechia Recruiting Pavel Calda +420224967273
Fakultni Nemocnice Kralovske Vinohrady | Praha 10, Praha, 10034, Czechia Recruiting Martin Hruda +420773622730 
University Hospital Brno | Brno, 62500, Czechia Recruiting Robert Hudecek +420532232449 
NEUMED gynekologicka ambulance | Olomouc, 77900, Czechia Recruiting David Neubert +420588517332 
Nemocnice Na Bulovce | Prague, 18100, Czechia Recruiting Michal Zikan +420266083229 
Università degli Studi di Cagliari - Policlinico Universitario Duilio Casula | Monserrato, Cagliari, 09042, Italy Not yet recruiting Stefano Guerriero +393487848668 
Azienda ospedaliero-universitaria Senese | Siena, Tuscany, 53100, Italy Not yet recruiting Gabriele Centini +39577585111
University of Florence | Florence, 50129, Italy Not yet recruiting Maria Elisabetta Coccia +39557949926 
Fondazione IRCCS Cà Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico di Milano | Milano, 20122, Italy Not yet recruiting Paolo Vercellini +39255032318 
AZIENDA Ospedaliero Univeritaria Di Modena | Modena, 41124, Italy Not yet recruiting Carlo Alboni +39594224387 
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS | Roma, 00168, Italy Not yet recruiting Fiorenzo De Cicco Nardone +390630155131
P.O. Sant'Anna | Torino, 10126, Italy Not yet recruiting Saverio Danese +39011313444 
Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata Verona | Verona, 37126, Italy Not yet recruiting Valentino Bergamini +390458122153 
Dolnośląskie Centrum Ginekologii | Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, 53333, Poland Recruiting Mariusz Markuszewski +48717213200 
In Vivo sp. z o.o. | Bydgoszcz, Kujawsko-pomorskie, 85090, Poland Recruiting Marek Szymanski +48501109918 
Gameta Hospital | Rzeszów, Lodzkie, 95030, Poland Recruiting Pawel Radwan +48426457777 
Komed Centra Kliniczne | Lublin, Lubelskie, 20362, Poland Recruiting Marek Gogacz +48814402474 
Hospital Pro-Familia | Rzeszów, Podkarpackie, 35-302, Poland Recruiting Tomasz Lozinski +4817773700 
Prywatna Klinika Położniczo-Ginekologiczna Sp. z o.o. | Białystok, Podlaskie, 15224, Poland Recruiting Janusz Tomaszewski +48602373927 
Centrum Medyczne Mikołowska | Katowice, Silesia, 40065, Poland Recruiting Adam Sipinski +48601444059 
Examen sp z o.o. | Skorzewo, Wielkopolska, 60185, Poland Recruiting Krzysztof Szymanowski +48618419324 
Klinika Leczenia Niepłodności, Ginekologii i Położnictwa Bocian | Białystok, 15267, Poland Recruiting Grzegorz Mrugacz +48857447700 
Provita Sp. z o.o. | Katowice, 40611, Poland Recruiting Mariusz Kiecka +48327837303 
Klinika Leczenia Niepłodności, Ginekologii i Położnictwa Bocian, Fertility Clinic | Poznań, 60529, Poland Recruiting Olaf Lindert +48327010460 
Ural Research Institution of Maternity and Child Care of Russian Public Health Ministry | Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovskaya Oblast, 620146, Russian Federation Recruiting Nadezhda Bashmakova +79122409205 
State Institution of Healthcare Moscow City Clinical Hospital # 13 of Moscow Department | Moscow, 115280, Russian Federation Recruiting Felix Grigoryan +70952743646 
FSHI Clinical Hospital #85 of FMBA | Moscow, 115409, Russian Federation Recruiting Sergey Levakov +74993248674 
Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry | Moscow, 127473, Russian Federation Recruiting Vladimir Kuzmin +74993905778 
SBIH Leningrad Regional Clinical Hospital | Saint Petersburg, 194291, Russian Federation Recruiting Irina Sergeeva +78125927819 
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University on the basis of the municipal non-profit enterprise Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Perinatal Center of the Regional Council | Ivano-Frankivs'k, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018, Ukraine Recruiting Oksana Makarchuk +380342553165 
Communal non-commercial enterprise Vinnytsia City Clinical Hospital "Center of Mother and the Child | Vinnytsia, Vinnitsia, 21019, Ukraine Recruiting Andriy Hryhorenko +380674302263 
Communal Nonprofit Enterprise Maternity Hospital#4 of Zaporizhzhya Municipal Council | Zaporizhzhya, Zaporizhzhya Oblast, 69065, Ukraine Recruiting Galyna Reznichenko +380617641734 
State Scientific Institution Center for Innovative Medical Technologies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | Kiev, 04053, Ukraine Recruiting Tetyana Tatarchuk +380442721072 
Kyiv city clinical hospital #9, Department of gynecology | Kyiv, 04112, Ukraine Recruiting Nataliya Zakharenko +380444400366 
Lviv city clinical hospital #4 | Lviv, 79005, Ukraine Recruiting Nadiia Ilkiv +380986445126 
Danylo Halytskyy Lviv national medical university | Lviv, 79010, Ukraine Recruiting Serhiy Shurpyak +380322766162 
Private Small-Scale Enterprise Medical Centre Pulse | Vinnytsia, 21001, Ukraine Recruiting Oksana Taran +380432612696 
Расположение Страны




Russian Federation


Дата проверки


Ответственная сторона

Тип: Sponsor

Имеет расширенный доступ No
Состояние Просмотр
  • Endometriosis
Количество рук 4
Группа вооружений

Метка: Placebo

Тип: Placebo Comparator

Описание: 4 Placebo capsules

Метка: TU2670 High Dose

Тип: Active Comparator

Описание: 320mg, QD

Метка: TU2670 Medium Dose

Тип: Active Comparator

Описание: 240 mg, QD

Метка: TU2670 Low Dose

Тип: Active Comparator

Описание: 120 mg, QD

Информация о дизайне исследования

Распределение: Randomized

Модель вмешательства: Parallel Assignment

Первичное назначение: Treatment

Маскировка: Quadruple (Participant, Care Provider, Investigator, Outcomes Assessor)