Bilateral Bi-level Erector Spine Plane Block as a Component of General Anesthesia in Surgical Correction of Spinal Deformations

Название протокола
Клинические исследование Scoliosis: Bilateral bi-level Erector spine plane block, General anaesthesia - Реестр клинических исследований
Дата начала и окончания КИ
2022-02-06 - 2022-02-06

Ведущий спонсор: Lviv National Medical University

Источник Lviv National Medical University
Краткое содержание

Improving the anesthesiology management for surgical correction of spinal deformations with introducing the diagnostic methods and treatment strategy of acute pain, preventing the evolution of chronic pain. Development and implementation in clinical practice perioperative intensive care protocols for surgical correction of spinal deformities.

Подробное описание

The study will involve patients for whom are indicated a surgical correction of spinal deformations. The control group will include patients who will undergo surgery under general anesthesia. The study group will include patients who will undergo surgery under general anesthesia using a bilateral bi-level Erector spine plane block. Stages of the study: preoperative period, onset of anesthesia (induction of anesthesia), maintenance of anesthesia, end of anesthesia, 6th and 12th hours after surgery, 1st, 3rd, 5th day after surgery. All patients will be given the same preparation for surgery: 5-7 days before the procedure - erythropoietin (50-75 IU / kg) subcutaneously once; iron 100 mg iv daily; thiamine hydrochloride (50 mg), pyridoxine hydrochloride (50 mg), cyanocobalamin (0.5 mg) and ascorbic acid (500 mg) orally, daily. The condition of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems will be assessed by auscultation and percussion of the heart and lungs, the results of electrocardiography, echocardiography, spirometry will by also estimate, vascular Doppler of the lower extremities and neck will by also performed. Blood tests will be taken before and after surgery (haemoglobin, erythrocytes, leukocytes, colour index, haematocrit, leukocyte formula, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, blood glucose, coagulogram, electrolytes, creatinine, urea, albumin, bilirubin, transaminases, cortisol, testosterone, c-reactive protein). Patients will be given recommendations on proper nutrition before surgery (solid food is allowed 6 hours before surgery and 150 ml of sweet clear liquid 2 hours before surgery), hospitalization will take place on the day of surgery. All patients will have two peripheral veins cannulated and a urethral catheter will be installed before surgery. In patients with scoliotic spinal deformity, a central venous catheter will be inserted into the right jugular vein under ultrasound guidance prior to surgery. Antibiotic prophylaxis will be performed two hours before the skin incision. Mechanical bowel preparation and premedication with sedatives will not be performed. All patients in the operating room will receive paracetamol, dexketoprofen, ondansetron, diphenhydramine, dexamethasone, atropine, tranexamic acid. For induction of anesthesia - propofol, thiopental, fentanyl, atracurium besylate, suxamethonium iodide. After preoxygenation - intubation of the trachea in an improved position and further rotation on the abdomen with specific placement of the patient to prevent compression of the abdominal cavity. In patients with scoliotic spinal deformity in the abdominal position will be used a lung recruitment manoeuvre (gradual increasing in positive end-expiratory pressure and inspiratory pressure with assessment of tidal volume and lung pliability), and subsequent protective ventilation and supporting Driving Pressure 12-14 cm H2O. The operation will be performed under general inhalation anesthesia with sevoflurane and dexmedetomidine infusion. In patients undergoing neuromonitoring, relaxants will be administered only for tracheal intubation. Intraoperatively, all patients will be monitored for electrocardiography, respiratory rate, body temperature, systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure, heart rate, pulse oximetry. During the operation, an assessment of blood loss and subsequent balanced infusion therapy will be performed. The volume and rate of urination will be assessed. A constant infusion of tranexamic acid will be established. Controlled arterial hypotension with mean blood pressure of at least 60 mm Hg will be maintained. To protect the spinal cord and its roots from ischemic injury during the derotation maneuver, mean blood pressure will be maintained at normal or elevated levels. Correction of blood loss will be carried out with balanced solutions of crystalloids. Blood transfusion will be started at Hb less than 90 g / l. Patients will be warmed by the Warm Touch heating system. All patients will be extubated in the early postoperative period. For the purpose of analgesia in the postoperative period, patients of both groups will receive paracetamol and dexketoprofen, thromboprophylaxis will be performed depending on the risk of thromboembolic complications. In the study group, after intubation of the trachea and rotation on the abdomen before the skin incision will be performed bilateral bi-level Erector spine plane block. Before surgery, the level of screw placement will be discussed with the surgeon, and the blockade will be performed at two levels of the spine bilaterally as close as possible to the screw placement site. For blockade a solution for prolonged blockade of peripheral nerve plexuses with bupivacaine 0.375%, dexamethasone 0.02% and epinephrine 0.00018% will be used (Patent №133643 Ukraine 'Solution for prolonged blockade of peripheral nerve plexuses' inventor and owner Barsa Maksym № u201900272, declared 10.01.2019, valid from 10.04.2019, Bulletin № 7). The total amount of solution administered is 40 ml (10 ml per injection). The erector spine muscle and the transverse process of the spine will be identified using a linear ultrasound probe at the required level of the spine 3cm laterally from the spinous process. Then, using an echogenic needle under ultrasound control in a space between the Erector spine muscle and the transverse process bilaterally on two levels of the spine a local anaesthetic with adjuvants will be injected (Patent №140510 Ukraine 'Method of anaesthesiologic securement for surgical correction of scoliosis spinal deformity' inventor and owner Barsa Marsym № u201911515, claimed 28.11.2019, valid from 25.02.2020, Bulletin № 4).

Общий статус Recruiting
Дата начала 2020-12-16
Дата завершения 2025-12-01
Дата первичного завершения 2025-12-01
Фаза N/A
Тип исследования Interventional
Первичный результат
Мера Временное ограничение
Change in The Numeric Pain Rating Scale On the 1st, 2rd and 3th day after surgery
Duration of hospitalization Through study completion, an average of 1 year
Time of weaning the patient from mechanical ventilation From a few minutes to an hour
Вторичный результат
Мера Временное ограничение
The amount of opioid administered during surgery and in the postoperative period Through study completion, an average of 1 year
Mechanical pain threshold and sensitivity Baseline, on the 1st, 3rd and 5th day after surgery
Overall satisfaction with analgesia will be assessed on a 5-point Likert scale Through study completion, an average of 1 year
Level of postoperative sedation will be assessed with Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale On the 1st day after surgery
In the group of patients which will undergo general anaesthesia with Erector spine plane block, anaesthetised dermatomes will be counted along the paravertebral, scapular, anterior, middle and posterior axillary, midclavicular and parasternal lines Baseline, 1st day after surgery
Blood glucose level Baseline, 1st and 5th day after surgery
Blood testosterone level Baseline, 1st and 5th day after surgery
Blood cortisol level Baseline, 1st and 5th day after surgery
Blood C-reactive protein level Baseline, 1st and 5th day after surgery
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate Baseline, 1st and 5th day after surgery
Mean blood pressure Baseline, during and 1st hour after surgery
Heart rate Baseline, during and 1st hour after surgery
Регистрация 150
  • Scoliosis
  • Spinal Deformity
  • Acute Pain
  • Chronic Pain
  • Postoperative Pain
  • Anesthesia
  • Regional Anesthesia Morbidity
  • Anesthesia, Local
  • Anesthesia Complication
  • Hyperalgesia
  • Intraoperative Complications
  • Intraoperative Hypotension
  • Intraoperative Blood Loss
  • Intraoperative Bleeding
  • Intraoperative Neurological Injury
  • Intraoperative Injury
  • Coagulation Disorder
  • Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
  • Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction
  • Neuropathic Pain
  • Nutrient Deficiency
  • Nutrition Disorders
  • Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury

Тип вмешательства: Procedure

Название вмешательства: Bilateral bi-level Erector spine plane block

Описание: After intubation of the trachea and rotation on the abdomen before the skin incision will be performed bilateral bi-level Erector spine plane block. Before surgery, the level of screw placement will be discussed with the surgeon, and the blockade will be performed at two levels of the spine bilaterally as close as possible to the screw placement site. For blockade a solution for prolonged blockade of peripheral nerve plexuses with bupivacaine 0.375%, dexamethasone 0.02% and epinephrine 0.00018% will be used.

Этикетка Arm Group: The Study Group

Тип вмешательства: Procedure

Название вмешательства: General anaesthesia

Описание: The control group - will include patients who will undergo surgery under general anaesthesia

Этикетка Arm Group: The Control Group



Inclusion Criteria: 1. Informed consent of the patient or his legal representatives to participate the study. 2. Spinal deformity that requires surgical correction. 3. No known allergies to local anaesthetics. 4. Negative intradermal test for sensitivity to local anaesthetics. Exclusion Criteria: 1. Refusal of the patient or his legal representatives to participate the study 2. Diabetes mellitus, known allergy to local anaesthetics 3. Acute spinal cord injury 4. Physical status according to classification ASA III and more 5. A positive intradermal test for sensitivity to a local anaesthetic.



Минимальный возраст:

12 Years

Максимальный возраст:

90 Years

Здоровые волонтеры:


Общий Официальный
Фамилия Роль Присоединение
Maksym Barsa Principal Investigator Rivne Region Hospital
Общий контакт

Фамилия: Maksym Barsa

Телефон: +380952074098

Объект: Положение дел: Контакт: Rivne Oblast State Hospital Maksym Barsa +380952074098
Расположение Страны


Дата проверки


Ответственная сторона

Тип: Principal Investigator

Принадлежность следователя: Lviv National Medical University

ФИО следователя: Maksym Barsa

Должность следователя: Principal Investigator

Ключевые слова
  • Erector spinae plane block
  • Regional anesthesia
  • Scoliosis
  • Spinal Deformity
  • Multimodal analgesia
Имеет расширенный доступ No
Состояние Просмотр
  • Scoliosis
  • Lung Injury
  • Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury
  • Neuralgia
  • Hyperalgesia
  • Trauma, Nervous System
  • Hypotension
  • Hemostatic Disorders
  • Blood Coagulation Disorders
  • Congenital Abnormalities
  • Nutrition Disorders
  • Disease
  • Chronic Pain
  • Vomiting
  • Acute Pain
  • Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
  • Blood Loss, Surgical
  • Intraoperative Complications
  • Wounds and Injuries
  • Cognitive Dysfunction
Количество рук 2
Группа вооружений

Метка: The Control Group

Тип: Active Comparator

Описание: The control group will include patients who will undergo surgery under general anesthesia.

Метка: The Study Group

Тип: Experimental

Описание: The study group will include patients who will undergo surgery under general anesthesia using a bilateral bi-level Erector spine plane block.

Акроним BBESPB
Данные пациента Undecided
Информация о дизайне исследования

Распределение: Randomized

Модель вмешательства: Parallel Assignment

Первичное назначение: Treatment

Маскировка: None (Open Label)